MA Business Success 39: Why Did You Go Into Business?

Watch the video podcast below Listen to the audio podcast below Phil: And really why are we in business, Graham? Why would you say we're in business? Graham: It's all about changing people's lives. Really, that's what we are driven to do, is to inspire people at a ground level. And again, the motivation behind starting TIMA is we got bombarded with questions over the times we traveled. "How are you guys doing this? What are you doing?", so on and so forth. So we figured, "Hey, if we're going to help business owners in their own areas, man, what an impact we have on this great community and this great state, country, globe, whatever you want to do, it's a beautiful thing." Phil: And if I throw it back at you guys, like why did you get in business? I bet you thought it would be smooth sailing. I bet you thought you'd have heaps of time to live the life that you want. I bet you thought that you'd have lots of cash so you could do what you want, when you want, with whoever you wanted....

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MA Business Success 38: How to Manage Change Successfully for Your Business

Watch the video podcast below Listen to the audio podcast below Phil: Graham, how you been going today? Graham: Mate, phenomenal. You know, not just good is a rule that we have whenever we say this to somebody. How you going? Good. It is a standard we do not accept. So if ever you challenge to you, next time someone asks, "How you going?" Always try and be better than that. Fake it 'til you make it. Phil: Absolutely. Well, today's topic, we've got When is it Time to Change it Up? What am I talking about? Well, you know, when is enough enough, when do you change course, when do you stop something and try something else? When do you change it up completely? You know, the whole lift the snow dome up and turn it upside down, and try and get different results. Well, the only time you know to do this is if you're not getting the results that you want in your business and in life. That's when it's time to change. But if you can pre-see the curve before it gets too bad, well...

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MA Business Success 37: How to Get an Extra Hour Each Day

Watch the video podcast below Listen to the audio podcast below Phil: Welcome to Martial Arts Business Success. My name's Phil Britten. Graham: And I'm Graham McDonnell. Phil: And we're here in version 2.0 to basically give you guys the tips, tools and strategies on how to turn your school from surviving to thriving. Graham? Graham: Look, Phil, it's exciting. I can't wait. You're getting to see this is the very, very first time we had the podcast but also we've got some videos, so you guys actually get to see what we're talking about, us live and having a great time sharing some really great stuff. Phil: So as things go on and go forward, we're going to inform you this particular podcast will be where we get some information to you about what we're going to be doing and how we're going to get this medium to you guys. But for today's particular topic, we thought we'd kick off with, "If you want more, you have to do more." What does that mean? Graham: Well, look, I know a lot of...

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TIMA Road Map #9: How To Set Pay Scales At Your Martial Arts School

Phil: Good day team. Phil Britten here. Graham: And Graham McConnell from TIMA, The Institute of Martial Arts. In this video, you're going to see all about staff pay. Well, where do I start? Now, you may all ready have a bunch of assistants that are helping you around your school or volunteers. At what point do you start to remunerate them or give them the benefit of actually helping out? Something myself and Phil do at our school is we always like to pay, well, I guess the instructors. We don't like to have too many volunteers moving around, it's always nice to have them there, but at the end of the day we want to have them converted so they're committed to us. Before you start worrying about how much to pay, there's some really important things if you do make that decision to have them on board, and first and foremost is clarity. Clarity about what it is they're actually going to be doing and their level of commitment to you. For example, if you have somebody simply just helping...

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MA Business Success 36: Rising to Success

Alex: Now, today we're looking at being successful, getting to the top, staying at the top of the food chain, hopefully, and how to handle it once you're there. So, Phil, it must be a pretty nice problem to have, really, being at the top of the food chain. Phil: Top of the food chain, yeah. No, everyone probably thinks that when you get there you're in this ivory tower and that you've got all your... Alex: Yes, absolutely. Looking down on all your minions. Phil: Washing your face, and someone's feeding you grapes. But this is probably a really great follow-on from the last podcast when we talked about managing your time, because if you're at that level, then I would say you're at the top of the food chain. The first thing that keeps coming to my mind is remember that you're always a student. You're a student always, in life and in martial arts, and continually trying to learn as much as you can. Then we all know, as...

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TIMA Road Map #8: How to Take Your Martial Arts School from Part-Time to Full-Time

Phil:In this video, we're gonna be talking about how to go from part-time to full-time. Well, you know what? There's a ton of people out there who are just doing that part-time thing, and that's all that they wanna do, and well done, guys. If you have a passionate career and you're just living your dream on the side, then that's fantastic. But if you are wanting to go from part-time martial arts school owner to full-time, well, there's a few things you need to consider. One is the gap, the gap. What is the gap? And how do you go from where you are to where you wanna be? What does it look like? And the thing is, if you don't even know what it takes to run a full-time school, you need to find somebody who's doing it so you can ask them all those tricky questions. Because I tell you right now, running a part-time to a full-time is a big, big, different gig, so that's something you've got to remember. The second thing is the fear. There's so much fear surrounding making this big step,...

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TIMA Road Map #7: How to Hold Staff Meetings that are Both Productive and Fun

Graham: In this video, we're going to share with you how to make meetings fun. And to be honest with you, meetings can be rather drab and boring, but they have to happen to get your team motivated, to keep them on track, to know where you're at, make sure they're accountable. But you don't want to sit there and have them checking out. I know that we've been in meetings ourselves where you're just there watching the clock, you think come on. Phil: Hurry up. Graham: Hurry up. And you actually miss some of the most important things. Yeah, you may be there in body, but not necessarily there present mentally. So, what is a meeting and how do you run it? I guess really, they're the things you've got to identify. At our school we have a couple of power meetings, and they're really only about a five minute meeting before class. We have a rule, it's a saying Phil created, "D by three." And what that means is, our classes started at Dojo at 3:30. So, half an hour beforehand, we're all in our...

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MA Business Success 35: The Life of a Multiple-School Owner

Alex: They can talk to me today about a day in the life of being a multiple school owner. It sounds absolutely terrifying. Graham, what's the answer, how on earth do you? Graham: Goodness, you know, just looking across at Phil now, there's one word that you say multiple times, manage, manage, manage. You've got to manage people, that's something that as you grow in schools, you don't necessarily get as much time to teach frontline, you're more in human resources and managing people and putting out spot fires or inspiring others so they can take that material down to their subordinates, to their staff. Because really when you look at it, you're increasing your staff base, they need to make sure there's a consistent message across however many locations that you may have, so you've got that brand integrity, so you really do need to make sure that you're there to assess if everything is smooth sailing. You're the captain on the...

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TIMA Road Map #6: What Questions Should You Be Asking Your Instructors in Their Performance Review?

Phil: In this video, we're going to be talking about performance reviews. Well, what is a performance review? It's a chance for school owners, branch managers, to review their staff's performance and reset, realign the next goals for the following 3 or 6 or 12 months. It's a chance for the employee also to review the employer, and that's what we do. I think it's really important that it shouldn't be a one-way street, this performance review. I really want to know if I'm performing to the best of my ability for my staff and vice versa as well. So I don't just think it's a one-way thing. I'm sitting at the top of my ivory tower shooting down the barrel telling them what they've done wrong and how they can do better. It really should be a positive thing where we set out the goal, set out the expectations and also double ended. So I want them to tell me how I'm going as a boss. I want them to tell me if I'm providing a good enough service training, learning outcomes, experience, all...

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MA Business Success 34: Creating a Business Plan

Alex: Today we're talking about setting up a business plan for your organization. So Phil, first up, why's the business plan so important? Phil: Well, if you didn't have a plan or a map of where you wanted to go you wouldn't get anywhere. Alex: And that goes across the board with any business really, doesn't it? Phil: It goes across the board with starting a business, it goes across the board when you're traveling. Where you want to go, anywhere in life you've got to know where you're going, you have a plan. Because if something goes wrong, you gotta be able to know where to get back on track or we all get lost in the busy world, it's noisy out there and we get weighed down with all the goings on. So a plan is a way to get back on track. First thing you've got to do is, like always, and maybe I'm the king of quotes lately is, "Begin with the end in mind," Stephen Covey. Which we've all probably heard before as martial artists....

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